Safer Cliffs Victoria

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The Safer Cliffs Victoria fund relies on donations for all its work. If you would like to donate money, bolts, hangers, glue, drill bits or rap anchors or if you would like to use any of the donated bolts then please contact us via this Google Form.

2023 onwards

In 2023, Safer Cliffs Victoria has been reinvigorated with new faces getting involved in the important task of route maintenance. Donations are now being handled through an online fundraising form in association with Crag Stewards Victoria. You can choose to make a one time donation, or a regular transfer of your nominated amount.


Mike Law - 6 U-bolts
Tim Marsh - 7 ringbolts + 15 machine bolts
Neil Monteith - 8 rap chains, glue, 2 studs and 8 ringbolts
The Rebolting Fund NSW - 10 ringbolts
Rupert Freeman - 2 Ringbolts
Robin Holmes - 3 Ringbolts and a glue-in machine bolt
Phil Neville $25
Kent Paterson $45
Anon $200
Rohan Archibald - 3 drill bits
Martin Lama - 12 machine bolts
Natasha Gayfer - 5 Fixed Hangers
Owen Gervasoni $75
Malcolm 'Bumblydad' $100
Tim Storey $70
Fiona Siseman $40
Micheal Oreilly $75
Robin Holmes $50
Jacqui MIddleton $100
Jack, Richard and Ben $110
Rob $20
Will Monks $50
Terry Tynan $50
Matt Dixon $60
Rupert Freeman - $50
Robin Holmes - $100

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